
Imposing a levy on all plastic containers

Some people are encouraging the government to consider imposing a levy of $1 on all plastic bottles and containers. You think this is the best way to help reduce plastic waste, which is a huge problem in Hong Kong. Write an essay arguing in favour of this proposal. In your essay, highlight the advantages of imposing the tax.

Levy on plastics – the only way out to help the Earth

Nowadays, Hong Kong has a terrible plastic waste problem. We all know that plastic is not easy to decompose and landfills are close to saturation. But people nowadays obviously don't know the damage of plastic to the earth and still use plastic products unscrupulously. Therefore, I agree that the government should consider imposing a levy of $1 on all plastic bottles and containers.

First of all, I think that increasing the cost of plastic bottles can greatly reduce people's use of plastic bottles. Most people do not want to spend extra money. Imposing a levy can provide the public with an incentive to reduce plastic usage. People will try bringing their own reusable plastic bottles and containers instead of wasting money on disposable plastic bottles and containers. If everyone can develop such a habit, the damage to the earth can be greatly reduced.

In fact, this plan is not only for citizens, but also for different restaurants and the catering industry. It is because restaurants and the catering industry are a big source of pollution. They give out a large number of plastic bottles and containers. While opponents of this ideas claim that this levy will increase the burden on restaurants, we have to realize that they will pass the burden to their customers and so the customers have to think twice before using those containers.

Finally, when everyone is accustomed to using environmentally friendly products, it can greatly increase the environmental protection of Hong Kong in the eyes of others. And when the government enacts this rule, people’s awareness will also be raised. The levy can also gradually remind Hong Kong people that what they are doing is causing fatal damage to the earth. Some people may wake up and set up some environmental protection companies to protect the earth. They may also organize environmental protection activities to protect the earth and increase people’s motivation to take action.

To conclude, imposing a levy of $1 on all plastic bottles and containers can bring a lot of benefits. It makes more people understand what environmental protection is and carry out more environmental protection activities. It will eventually make our world better.

5A Dickson Chan

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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