
Imposing a levy on all plastic containers

Some people are encouraging the government to consider imposing a levy of $1 on all plastic bottles and containers. You think this is the best way to help reduce plastic waste, which is a huge problem in Hong Kong. Write an essay arguing in favour of this proposal. In your essay, highlight the advantages of imposing the tax.

Imposing a levy on all plastic containers

The use of plastic bottles has greatly increased in recent years. According to Friends of the Earth, close to 8.32 million plastic bottles are abandoned in landfills every day, which takes an extremely long time to break down. With the huge amount of plastic bottles, the authorities have the responsibility to solve the problem. The implementation of a plastic bottle levy scheme may be a possible way out

First of all, the authorities may consider imposing a levy of $1 on each plastic bottles and containers so it can encourage the public to develop the habit of bringing their own water bottles. We all hope to create a culture where the public is encouraged to have the habit of bringing their own water bottles. To strengthen the impact, we should enhance collaboration among various quarters and enterprises in the community. Such measures will help promote the practice of "Use Less, Waste Less" and will have a positive impact on reducing the disposal of waste plastic bottles.
Secondly, what makes plastic so ubiquitous in our daily lives? The answer is simple: it’s cheap. However, it results in one of our planet’s greatest environmental challenges. Our oceans have been used as a dumping ground, choking our precious marine lives. In cities around the world, plastic waste clogs drains, cause floods and breed diseases. Consumed by livestock, it also finds its way into the food chain. Plastic packaging accounts for nearly half of all plastic waste globally, and much of it is thrown away within just a few minutes of its first use. When discarded in landfills or in the environment, plastic can take up to a thousand years to decompose.

Third, I really encourage all of you to carry a bottle of water with you before you get out. Fill up a 1-litre bottle at the start of your day. You can always refill the bottle. This way you won't actually need any disposable plastic water bottles anymore. If a rigid water bottle is too inconvenient to carry, there are collapsible bottles. This helps reduce the usage of plastic bottles.

With our concerted efforts, I believe such a levy can greatly reduce the unnecessary plastics used. It is not easy to deal with the problem in a short time. But if we do not start now, we will never be able to solve the plastic pollution problem. That is why such a levy is important for us to make our Earth greener.

5B Krystal Lam

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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