
Writing Question:
A recent article in the South China Morning Post has reported that different safety measures on social distancing will continue. Write to the editor of the South China Morning Post expressing your views on the following:

Why some people find it difficult to keep social distancing; and
Whether social distancing should still be kept in Hong Kong.

Dear Editor,

Recently, an article in the South China Morning Post has triggered a discussion on whether different safety measures on social distancing should continue. With regard to this issue, I am writing to explain the most prominent reasons of why some people find it difficult to keep social distancing and whether social distancing should still be kept in Hong Kong.

To commence with, the most significant reason why people find it hard to maintain social distancing is work requirements from non-essential businesses. Demonstrated by a survey which was posted on social media networks like Twitter and Facebook, as well as the neighborhood social networking service Nextdoor, 39.8% of respondents reported the most vital reason for failing to social distance was work requirements for non-essential industries. One respondent told the researchers, “Since work is not canceled, if I don’t go I’ll lose my job”. Hence, if people want to keep the social distancing, cancelation of non-urgent tasks and work needs to be accommodated.

Having said that, it is of paramount importance to minimize social contact and adopt to a “new normal”. Scientists are working to understand this new virus in order to make a vaccine. Therefore, we are all responsible for protecting those at higher risk. Measures like avoiding physical contact and wearing masks may bring us inconvenience, but these are the best ways right now to protect our family, friends, and loved ones. Also, the world has already paid a heavy price to realize that some people carrying this virus can be asymptomatic. No one would ever want to see the ones we care about suffer because of us.

Last but equally significant, if we do not want to experience a complete lockdown of the city, we should reduce social contact as much as possible to buy time for a safe and effective vaccine to be available for the public.

Yours faithfully,

Sam Hui 6B(15)


訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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