
You are the president of the Environmental Protection Society at your school. You are preparing a speech to instruct club members on how to become more environmentally friendly at school and at home.

Good morning principal, teachers and fellow students,

I’m Charlotte, the president of the Environmental Protection Society. Have you ever thought about what the earth was like hundred years ago? Even though it’s not possible to go back there, we can do something now to avoid environmental deterioration from today to future.

We’re responsible to be environmentally friendly as members of the earth and also members of the Environmental Protection Society. There are three main points that I would like to make. The most significant one is that we should reduce the use of plastic as much as possible. No matter whether we are at school or at home, this essential step requires only a few sacrifices from our daily habit. For example, plastic containers and straws can be avoided when we buy takeaway meals for home. True, most of us have recently been consuming takeaway instead of dining so as to keep a better social distance. Yet, this is exactly the reason why we should change our habit and not let the use of disposable utensils rocket.

Besides reducing plastic waste, wisely adjusting the temperature of the air-conditioner in your room would also help. Don’t be afraid of the hot summer and we should remember that fans can just be as useful. It is commonly known that the use of air-conditioners produces greenhouse gases like Co2. According to a study conducted by the Environmental Protection Department of HK, there are 26 million metric tons of greenhouse gases created by generating electricity in 2017. If we do nothing to reduce these emissions, this pollution will threaten our lives in the future. True, we are all studying at home more than ever because of the pandemic. Yet, are we prepared to increase the global warming effects when the pandemic is gone?

Apart from what I have just mentioned, planting something to absorb the Co2 is easy to do as students. We do not have the ability to invent high-tech solutions for this serious problem yet. But, plants are natural filters when it comes to absorbing greenhouse gases and purifying the air quality. People like going in the woods or to the seaside as the air is cleaner, since plants absorb pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ozone, ammonia and sulfur dioxide. Our individual planting might only help a little but every little bit counts. So, start planting something at home now and cover the school with plants when school resumes.

I hereby call to your attention the necessity of being kind to our environment, and the baby steps we make will lead to big changes. I honestly believe that doing everything we can will make our future brighter. Thank you!

6A(3) Charlotte Cheung

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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