
You recently ran the Hong Kong Marathon for the first time. Write a blog to be posted on the Hong Kong Marathon’s website to encourage other young people to take part in the next marathon.

Just do it! Young athletes!

Have you ever thought about joining a marathon? I can tell you it's definitely an unforgettable experience. You're sure to have a lot of worries before you run a marathon. You may be leading a very decadent life and think that you can't finish the whole marathon. You may also think that you will become physically exhausted or faint in the middle of the marathon. I did have these kind of thoughts as well before l took part in it. But I can assure you that it can all be overcome by regular exercise and perseverance. Without a doubt, a marathon is definitely the most meaningful event I've ever joined.

When l was eighteen, l thought l had to challenge my limits and enrich myself. So, I ran the marathon! I'd never tried this before. It was a real challenge for me, but I have never regretted taking part in this competition. Actually, I didn’t really like to do sports. In the past, after I ran for twenty minutes, I thought I was almost going to suffocate. Indeed, doing exercise was definitely a disaster when l was young. But through the daily practice, I improved bit by bit every day. My friends were all shocked when l told them l had applied to run a marathon. I remember when I had almost finished the marathon, I nearly fainted after running for several hours non-stop. But I've learned to persevere when I want to achieve something. It was certainly a once in a lifetime challenge.

There are many benefits to running a marathon. It is a kind of personal development and it encourages our personal growth. We all know it can improve our health. Not only we can burn more calories and excess body fat, but we are also able to have a better body figure. Apart from that, participating in a marathon can reduce the risk of symptoms of depression and anxiety. It can improve your time management and skills on schedule arrangements. So, spare some time for the run. Give yourself a chance to try.

There is no doubt that running a marathon has given me an unforgettable experience and invaluable rewards. I am now a very passionate runner. If you are still considering whether to participate or not, don't hesitate and apply for the marathon now !

4A Janice Yu

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