
Writing Question:
The Young Post is holding an essay competition on the topic of ‘Preserving Street Food in Hong Kong’. The aim is to promote public’s awareness of the need to preserve this unique culture. Include three reasons why Hong Kong street food is worth preserving. Write your essay.

The disappearing scene of street food in Hong Kong

People living in Hong Kong all know that there is a unique culture of street snacks in Hong Kong. In this city, street snacks are everywhere. There are many different types of delicacies in Hong Kong street snacks, such as chestnuts, egg cubes and fishballs. However, street food is unhygienic in the eyes of the government. How are we going to balance the preservation of our own culture while at the same time maintain proper hygiene? It is a topic worthy of our exploration.

Street food has a long history in Hong Kong. Many local people are used to this way of life. The food is cheap and truly delicious. Everyone likes the unique food sold by street vendors. We still enjoy the moments rushing to buy chestnuts and fishballs from street hawkers. Since street food is a part of the collective memory of both the older generation and the younger generation, we should spare no effort to preserve it.

When we introduce Hong Kong to foreigners, we usually begin by presenting its street snacks. Street snacks can show the essence of Hong Kong culture and Hong Kong people take pride in their street food. We should all understand that tourists cannot truly experience Hong Kong culture without street food. Street foods can provide a memorable experience and it should be part of any tourist’s itinerary. Since street food is a symbol of Hong Kong, it can benefit Hong Kong both economically and culturally.

However, since there may be a lot of garbage near the street food vendors, there is a question of hygiene. Although many people throw their rubbish into the dustbin, some throw it everywhere and it destroys the environment and causes poor sanitation. In addition, when there is a long queue for the street food, it can block pedestrians and cause inconvenience. The government should regulate the selling of street food instead of issuing a complete ban. For example, it can designate areas where street food vendors can sell their food without causing nuisance to others. It can also issue licenses so that street food vendors have to observe guidelines to maintain a hygienic environment.

All in all, although fast food restaurants are convenient, they cannot match the uniqueness of street food. If the government can take the initiative to preserve street food, it is possible to address the concern of different stakeholders. We must be committed to preserving this unique cultural heritage that originates in our homeland.

4B Sherman Wang

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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