
Writing Question
Some teachers at your school think comics are a bad influence on students. They have suggested that the school ban comic books from the school library. Write an article for your school magazine expressing your views. Give three reasons to support your views. Provide an appropriate title for your article.

Why it would be unwise to ban comic books from school ?

Comics have been around for many years. In the past, comics were used for promoting ideas and beliefs within politics and religion. However, a few decades ago, comics started to be used for entertainment. To determine the influence of comic books on readers, we need to establish which kind of comic is being read. Banning comic books from the school library without taking this into consideration would be unwise.

It is not uncommon to see teenagers becoming addicted to comics. It is widely believed that one of the reasons for teenagers becoming more violent is that they are influenced by violent comics. Dealing with this issue is one of the reasons that the school wants to prohibit comics.  Instead, I think that the school should inform students as to what kind of comics are good for them to read. Secondly, I strongly recommend that schools buy more English-language comics. Marvel is perhaps the most famous comic series in the world. It has great storylines which are very suitable for teenagers. I deeply believe that these can arouse students’ interest in reading. Students can learn English and read wonderful stories at the same time. The reason why teenagers love violent comics is that they love excitement. The comics just mentioned could satisfy this need.

Moreover, Marvel comics like Captain America, Avengers, Iron Man are suitable for everybody. These comics have extremely long storylines, ensuring that students will read for a long time. Reading comics can not only provide students with an enjoyable experience, but they are also rich in descriptive language, allowing students to expand their vocabulary. Comics can also help improve students’ communication skills with other people who speak English.

Finally, Marvel comics can be used to encourage students who dislike reading to pick up a comic book because they may find it more interesting. Positive comics also help students by teaching them positive ways of solving problems. The Japanese comic book Kamen Rider is a good example of this. By reading such comics, students can learn more positive mindsets which would be good for their growth.

In summary, banning all comics from the school library is unwise. The school would be short-sighted to ban comics, because comics can help students to improve their language skills and creativity. Many comics also contain very positive messages. You can see there are a lot of benefits of comics, so why do schools still want to ban comics from their school libraries? If the school is still worried about violent comics, which may be harmful for students, teachers can choose appropriate comics for students. I hope that our school can allow students to continue to read their favourite comics.

4A Calvin Wong

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