
Writing Question:
A new school year will soon begin after a long summer holiday. You are the chairperson of the Students’ Union in your school. You and your teammates would like to develop closer links between teachers and students. Write a letter to your principal, Ms Yau, proposing one activity that the Students’ Union can carry out.

    In your letter, persuade your principal to accept your suggested activity by

(iii) describing the activity that could be carried out, and
(iv) identifying the benefits for such an activity.


Dear Principal,

    As the chairperson of the Students’ Union, I am writing to propose an activity that we can carry out in order to develop closer connections between teachers and students. I will further explain it in details in this letter and state the benefits brought by this activity to both teachers and students. I hope that our suggestions can be taken into deeper consideration.

    Drama is now gathering momentum and traction among youngsters. From a survey about the happiness index in joining different activities conducted by the Students’ Union last year, more than 75% of the teachers and students said they enjoyed drama the most. We, the Students’ Union, aiming to provide a relaxing time and marvelous memories to everyone in our school, is thinking of holding the activity “Fantastic Drama Day” in order to build deeper relationships and closer links between teachers and students. We would like to cooperate with the Drama Club in our school for this event. Each teacher can make a performing team with up to 5 - 6 students to make their drama in the given time 10 – 15 minutes. To further improve teachers and students’ relationships, the topic of drama will be limited to the theme of the daily life of students and teachers or their wonderful experiences. It can be held after the exam as they can be given adequate time for designing plots and doing rehearsals. For the costume and other materials needed, our Students’ Union is willing to sponsor 50% of the fee. At the end, the performers will be given rewards. It is believed that many teachers and students will be interested in taking part.

    The benefits brought by the event “Fantastic Drama Day” are huge. For teachers, they can be relaxed and put their heavy workload down for a while for some leisure and release themselves. Teachers seem strict at all time. During this event, they can try to take the role of students and actually be part of them. When discussing the plots, teachers can communicate effortlessly with students as those are not part of the curriculum and they could just enjoy the fun, which certainly would develop closer links between them. For students, they can know more about their teachers such as their real personalities besides teaching and education. This event gives a valuable chance for teachers and students to know each other well and interact more beyond studying. At the end, this event can be their collective memories and it enhances the harmony in school.

    “Fantastic Drama Day” will be a prudent choice when it comes to the purpose of developing closer links between teachers and students. It is hoped that our proposal will be taken into action. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
Mavis Li
The chairperson of the SU

6A Li Cai Lan, Mavis

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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