
Writing Question:

Your school is holding a walkathon to raise money for charity to help build schools in China. Complete the following sections of a brief information poster below to encourage students and their families to take part.

Annual Walkathon for Walk to Build
Saturday 1 December 2018

Why take part?

Do you feel disheartening when seeing those pupils who desire education but do not have schools to go? Some of our lovely peers have a lack of school facilities and money to build schools in China! It is high time for us to lend a band to them. How? Just take part in our fund raising activity – Walk to Build. Our school is going to hold an annual walkathon and we are waiting for all your kind-hearted participation. Let’s show our sympathy by raising money through this meaningful activity while enjoying a walk with your family.

The route of the walk
All participants will gather at school at 8:00am for registration and the walk begins at 8:30am. We will start walking to the TKO country park next to our school, and then head to the Po Lam estate. Finally, we will return school as the ending. The journey is planned carefully with consideration of the traffic. It is convenient and safe that we walk in a place with less or even no vehicles. What’s more, we can spread the message to all citizens and pedestrians and hopefully bring positive influences to our community.

The work of, Walk to Build

Our school has been doing charity work for many years and cooperating with the Red Cross (an NGO). Besides, our school will be the pioneering force and donate $50,000. After the walkathon, all fund raised will be sent to the Red Cross. Later in March, some of our Social Service Club members and teachers will follow the volunteers from the Red Cross to visit the beneficiaries in China to ensure the money is used appropriately. Just like the previous years, we will work our best to make every drop of sweat and every cent raised meaningful.

6A(8) Mavis Li

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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