
Many students in your school are not as healthy as they could be. Your class teacher, Ms Lee, has been inspired by a reality TV show which features friends working together to kick unhealthy habits. She has suggested that each student in the class chooses a ‘Health Buddy’ in school for two months and they work together to kick unhealthy habits.

Dear Mary,

As you know our class teacher suggested that each student in the class chooses a ‘Health Buddy’ in order to kick all unhealthy habits. Therefore, I ‘d like to invite you as my health buddy. I am going to explain the benefits of being healthy and my ideas about what we can do together.

First of all, being healthy helps you achieve a healthy weight. As the society develops rapidly, we have lots of mouthwatering food sold in supermarkets and streets. It is so tempting that we are prone to buy and eat too many of these unhealthy snacks. Therefore, it may lead to obesity or some other long term diseases. Because of this, it is vital for us to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet contains three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit each day. The more nutrition we absorb, the healthier we are. If we avoid eating too much junk food, we can maintain a healthy weight and live more happily without seeking help from doctors.

Furthermore, being healthy is essential to a happy life. If you are healthy, you can save money from not seeing doctor. If you are healthy, you can do something meaningful instead of sleeping on the bed and taking medicines. To avoid these drawbacks, why don’t you do sports to make yourself more energetic? Doing sports not only brings you happiness, but also lowers the risk of being sick.

Apart from talking about benefits of being healthy, I’d like to share my ideas about what we can do together.

Firstly, as I am very lazy in doing sports, I’d suggest we go running for 30 minutes every day after school. Also, you know I love eating snacks during recess time, so I’d suggest that each of us bring some healthy snacks or fruit as well as lunch boxes and share with each other. With our joint efforts, I believe we can kick all the unhealthy habits after two months of hard work.

I hope you can consider being my ‘Health Buddy’! I’m looking forward to your reply.


Hailey Shek Suet Ling 4A

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