
Dear Principal,

    It appears that nowadays in our school, there is a generation gap between teachers and students. Thereby, I am writing to suggest one activity that could be carried out to ameliorate the aforementioned phenomenon and identify the benefits of such an activity.

    To start off, the activity I would like to suggest is camping and the theme of it is “Strive for our future”. In this function, we can divide it into two parts, which are for both the junior forms and senior forms. For the students in form 1 to 3, they will only go to the campsite located in Sai Kung for a day camp while the senior form will go there for two days and one night since we are worried that junior students are not mature and independent enough to take care themselves. But most, if not all, activities, they do or play will most likely be the same. Teachers will be leading students to finish a variety of team games and we, the Students’ Union, will be there to help to organize the competition. Furthermore, the biggest difference between the junior form and senior form is that the higher forms will cook dinner with teachers and they will also have a period of time to talk and have a casual dialogue about their future with teachers before they go to bed.
    From the “Strive for our future” camp, we can clearly see that there are astronomical pros which can be brought out. Take playing team games with teachers as an example, this can indeed help to enhance the communication between two parties. As when they are playing, they will have more interaction with each other. Not only can it help to enhance the communication for teachers and students, but it can also cultivate both their gamesmanship and sportsmanship. Apart from that, when students and teachers are doing the same thing together, like cooking, without a doubt, not only can it nourish students’ talents, but it can also bolster harmony. The most fundamental blessing is that during the senior forms’ conclave with teachers at night, both parties can know more about each other and at the same time teachers can provide different opinions about students’ future. Then, it will be a fabulous method to release students’ stress as well.

    The above mentioned is the activity that I would like to suggest and there are irrefutably a lot of profitable benefits. I really hope that this activity can be taken into consideration to help to develop closer links with everyone in our school and I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

5A (15) Wong Tsz Ching, Zara

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