
Chairman, Adjudicators, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today’s motion is that Salary is not the most important element to consider when choosing a job. We, as the affirmative side, strongly believe that there is a spectrum of elements way more vital than salary when it comes to choosing an occupation. We are going to manifest why interest, peer relationship and prospect are more crucial when compared to salary.

To commence with, only can you have momentum to work when you are doing a job that meets your affinity. With ample momentum, you will be more aggressive and willing to work for your company. Thereby, you may have a better or even more remarkable performance driving you to the land of opportunity. Furthermore, as we all know it is tough to persevere in doing anything, especially when it comes to the duties we need to do almost every day. As such, choosing a job that you do not like and doing duties not within your interest repeatedly may just easily wear you out. In the long run, you may possibly opt to quit your job and it will be the devil to pay. The opposition side may argue that money is also a motivation for employees to work. Nevertheless, even if the employees are willing to work because of the salary, they just won’t be as eager as the ones who are interested in their occupation.

Apart from interest, peer relationship should also be considered as one of the central elements. Do you think that it is kind of weird to take peer relationship into account? In fact, our relationship with colleagues does affect a lot. When you are working with people who like to spread rumours and gossip, even if you do not care about what they are saying behind your back, it is just too difficult for you to focus on your work. Or even worse, if you are the kind of person that could be easily affected by others, you might become the one who talks at people’s back. Contrarily, when you are working with people who are diligent, you may probably become one of them and when all of you work together, it might even arouse synergy. Irrefutably, division of labour is indispensable and unavoidable when we enter the workforce. That is why we need to take peer relationship into account as only when we are working with brilliant people can we get things done better and that is what money cannot buy.

Moving on, prospect should also be recognized as one of the fundamental factors. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, when people are satisfied with their basic needs, they will start pursuing psychological needs or even self-fulfillment needs. In this regard, salary is not what people want to focus on anymore and what is important to them now is getting recognition, social status and respect from others. For example, when your occupation is a waiter, even if you worked until you are at the middle-age, it is not that possible for you to have any major accomplishment. So, this kind of career cannot help you achieve your psychological and self-fulfillment needs. As such, when you choose a job, you need to contemplate. Does it offer you a bright career path? Does it provide you adequate chances for promotion? Does it give you opportunities to develop your leadership? In this aspect, prospect is undeniably more significant than salary.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the aforementioned are our prime arguments. Without a doubt, interest, peer relationship and prospect are indeed way more crucial than salary. I hereby call for your support in the motion salary is not the most important element to consider when choosing a job. Thank you.

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