Volunteering Overseas

Have you ever heard about volunteering abroad? Do you want to volunteer overseas? While many of my classmates were travelling with their families and playing with friends, I chose a different way to spend my summer holidays which was volunteering overseas. The place where I volunteered was India. The reason for me to volunteer is that I want to broaden my horizons and have an unforgettable volunteering experience in my life. I think I am very lucky to be able to participate in this one-week volunteer programme abroad which is very meaningful. I would like to tell you some of my unforgettable experiences.

Leaving Hong Kong for India was challenging for me, because I often watch the news about the crime in India on TV, so I was a little scared of this country, but everything is different from my imagination. When I arrived in India, I felt a little nervous, but when I met our fellow helpers, I felt much relieved because these locals are all very friendly and polite.

I went to a local orphanage to take care of the orphans. For the first two days, I have some stationery to orphans, then I taught them some simple English words and taught them how to sing English songs. The orphans learned very quickly and carefully. I felt very satisfied. On the third day, I organized an outdoor activity, that was a football match. I taught them some basic knowledge about football, and they had a game. There are some children who are deeply addicted to playing football. We all felt very happy seeing their happy faces and the football field. On the last two days, I made cakes with some children to celebrate their birthdays. Many children thought the cake was delicious. They smiled at me and said thank you to me. They have no parents and probably have never had a birthday party dedicated to them. I think that was a very meaningful thing that I have ever done. What is more impressive was that some children wrote cards for me before I left. I couldn’t help crying, although these children are without parents, without parental love and care, they are still loving and willing to love others.

Doing voluntary service overseas is not only about bringing your love to others, but also allows you to feel the love from others. By doing voluntary work abroad, you can broaden your horizons and learn skills that you can’t learn in your textbooks. If you participate in a voluntary service programme, you will become more confident and independent. You can also improve your communication skills and become more patient by getting along with children. When you volunteer aboard, you may be homesick, but you can make yourself a more mature individual as well as a better person.

All in all, it is meaningful and rewarding to volunteer overseas. There are many people out there who need help. I hope that more students will take part in this volunteer programme.

Amy An Zhi Hua 4A

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