

Is voluntary work worth doing? In a world where most people pursue money and
enjoyment. How do we measure the value of volunteering? Should we see it simply as an act of working for others for free? Or should we see it as a responsibility and a chance for personal growth?

When it comes to volunteering, I am sure that most people would say that it is a good deed as it is an altruistic activity with no financial benefits. However, what most people may not have realized is that being a volunteer does not only benefit the beneficiaries, but also the volunteers themselves. And as members of the global village and citizens of a prosperous metropolis, we should have the responsibility to give back. It is the reason why I participated in a one-week volunteer programme abroad last summer and went to Cambodia.

The Cambodian were the first group of foreigners whom I met. Their attitude and hospitality exceeded my expectations. Being only fifteen at the time, I thought it would be weird teaching students so close in age as me, but it made the trip even more special and impressive as I have become friends with my ‘students’.

Our project in Cambodia focuses on English and hygiene education with an aim to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. Since a good grasp of English means an access to better jobs and ultimately a better future, there is currently a great demand in Cambodia for English education. The programme does not require you to have any teaching qualifications nor previous teaching experience. During the programme, I gave free English lessons to those who do not have opportunities to learn.

Moreover,after the fellow volunteers and I arrived in Cambodia, we provided help in making areas safe as the place experienced a serious tornado in June. We provided emergency support and delivered vital goods like water, food and medical supplies. It is of paramount importance to teach them useful skills. These skills may seem to be common sense in Hongkongers’ eyes. However, they could be incredibly valuable for refugees.

What’s more, we incorporated healthy living practices into children’s daily routine. We gave lessons on correct hand-writing practices. As in Cambodia, the literacy rate is low, we needed to use some new methods to teach them, such as teaching songs about good hygiene and creating educational posters. This programme serves as a platform for me to step beyond the bounds of my own comfort zones to aid other countries.

Doing voluntary service overseas is not only good for the beneficiaries, but also bring benefits to the one who serve. After volunteering, you will know the value of gratitude and appreciation. As in undeveloped countries like Cambodia, you would have to try living a few weeks without clean tap water, wifi network, smart phones and clean streets. We live in an abundant society and we often take things for granted. After the programme, you will know that you are lucky, you will appreciate and cherish the things that you have.

Additionally, there is no denying that being an overseas volunteer allows you to come into contact with different cultures. Overseas volunteering is an extremely useful platform to facilitate meaningful cultural exchange between local inhabitants and the volunteers. It can help create a world with greater mutual respect and understanding,

By volunteering, people can make valuable contribution to the community while learning more skills and improving their health and well-being.

Penny Wong Kwan Yee 4A

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補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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