
You are the President of the Students’ Union at your school. You are preparing a speech to welcome new students on the first day of school. In order to help new students achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, you want to talk about the following in your speech:
* Importance of following school rules; and
* Importance of interpersonal relationships.

Good morning Principal, teachers and fellow students,

On behalf of the Students’ Union, I’d like to welcome all of you to our school. I’m sure we all want to achieve success and have an enjoyable school life, so this morning I ‘d like to give you some advice.

First, following school rules is important as this can help you achieve success. As we know, school is a small-scale society. We are here to learn how to be responsible individuals and good citizens. If you don’t follow school rules, you may find that it is easy to get into trouble and get punished. For example, you might get into fights with other students and you will need to go to detention classes or even get black marks. This is obviously not what anyone wants in their ideal school life, isn’t it? Also, following school rules is a must as it protects our safety. If you don’t follow the school rules, you can never be sure that you will be safe, not to mention to have an enjoyable school life. Imagine if everyone here runs around during the assembly, how chaotic would it be? Therefore, following school rules is essential as we need a peaceful and safe environment to learn, study and have activities. Simply by following school rules, every one of us can benefit greatly. We can also achieve success and have an enjoyable school life.

Second, interpersonal relationships are also important, not only with classmates, but also with your teachers. When you are in trouble and you don’t know how to cope with it, why don’t you find your classmates or teachers for help? They will try their best to help you solve your problems. They can also help you with your studies. With their support, you will be more motivated to work hard for your goals and achieve what you want in life. Therefore, don’t be shy to talk to the others. It is a crucial part of interpersonal communications. You should open up to peers who are worth your trust. Then you will soon find it easier to make close friends. You can share your happiness as well as sadness with them. In short, if you get along with your classmates and teachers, you will undoubtedly be more engaged in your class and school. Without a doubt, your school life will be much more memorable and enjoyable.

Today is your first day at school. I can tell that you are all excited about your brand new school life. What I can assure you is that your school life will be wonderful and you will be successful if you take my advice. It will lead you the way. Thank you.

Chloe Xu 4A

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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