
Writing Question:
A criminal sits in prison and writes a letter of advice to his younger self. Imagine you are that criminal. What do you wish someone told you when you were young? Write the letter of advice.

Dear Younger Self,

How are you? I am here to say sorry! That is because I haven’t improved after years of education and I still never listen to anyone who tries to help me. Now, I am in prison facing the plain white walls every day. You might ask why I am here. The reason is that in the near future, you are going to be a hacker. I know you must be very excited, but unfortunately reality is cruel. Being a hacker is not as much fun as you think.

In a few months, you will be a professional hacker and join a secret hacking team called ‘Dedsec’ which you admire a lot. That is why you will feel very happy and lucky to get in. In the first few weeks after joining the team, everything will go well. You will learn much more about hacking and some advanced computer skills. You will hack into a lot of large-scale corporations, learn many secrets and make money.

Unluckily, the police have their eyes on you. They have already set you as a main target. Every move you make attracts their attention. So, on a mission you need to hack into the main server of Samsung, one of the biggest companies in Korea. But the police officers already know every step you will take in advance. They will track down your Internet Protocol address and catch you. Your teammates have already given you up and left you. That is how I was arrested.

I know you admire hackers and like computers very much but it is not appropriate for you to be a hacker because you will end up like me. You will end up in prison. That is why I need to write to you. I suggest you work as an IT professional for a company to help them fix the bugs in their servers and protect their servers, so that your life will be a thousand times more meaningful. Not only can you help the company, but also achieve our life goals. I know you want to be a hero, but being a hacker is the wrong way which will lead you to jail. I sincerely hope that you will listen to me and change for the better.


The Regretful Me

Keeves Kwan 3B

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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