
 A crime-free society might seem too far to reach, yet, the less the better. Crime refers to illegal activities and violation of the law especially against morality. For instance, according to a report from the Hong Kong Police Department, there were 25,628 cases of burglary and 10,103 cases of violent crime which were the most common types of crime in 2016 in Hong Kong. When it comes to taking preventive measures to reduce crime, some advocate giving longer prison sentences to criminals. But, is it all that simple?
       Undeniably, giving longer prison sentences to those who committed crime intentionally will act as a deterrent. At least, it will keep the malefactors in jail so they have fewer chances of committing crime. Even if they have planned everything, after being caught, they have no chances to put their ideas into practice. Besides, it deprives criminals of leeway. When it is about their freedom or rights, most of them might think it is not worth it so their bad habits will be stopped. Having said that, with the longest prison sentence being imprisonment for life, does it mean law offenders are better to be kept behind bars for the rest of their life for the sake of preventing them from committing crime again? If not, there could be an alternative for them to pay the price – an open criminal record. If such record for crimes with high recidivism rate is easily accessible after conviction, the public will be able to take better precautions. Nowadays, only people who commit sexual offences will have an open record and it is truly effective as the rate of such offences has been dwindling. An open record will be shown to the public and it is detrimental to their job or even their whole life. When it is compulsory to have an open record, people who care about their reputation and their future will fear the consequences while those recidivists will be put under spotlight. Logically, Hong Kong’s recidivism rate will decline in the light of this.
       However, such new rule cannot be suitable for all kinds of criminals. For those who are not satisfied and would risk all they have left for more, the degree of punishment might not mean much to them. In contrast, to esteem and support them might even be more effective compared to giving longer prison sentences. For those who lack satisfaction in life, the length of prison sentences is not going to deter them. After all, these people are not going to weight the consequences and their desires carefully before they decide whether or not to commit crime. Besides, when these criminals are released, their needs are still there. Especially for the rehabilitated offenders, society should lend a hand to them. For example, the government should have a deeper understanding of these criminals and try to help them as needed, such as giving them financial supports. After learning the offenders’ personalities, background or their needs, find the best way to help them. Furthermore, the government is responsible to educate the citizens to make their living appropriately and lawfully. Behavioral changes take place better when they are imperceptible rather than forced. As there is more satisfaction in life, there will be less crime. Who would commit burglary when he has nothing to lack? Giving appropriate education and assistance to this type of offenders will be more feasible in this stand.
       Lastly, we have all come across people who felt deeply regretful over mistakes they had made. Should they not be given a new chance to turn over a new leaf? Giving them longer prison sentences is somewhat not totally desirable as some of them committed crime because of ignorance. The government could instead provide some help like granting criminal psychological services.  Through continued surveillance after committing a crime and using their statements in court and so on to predict whether they will commit an offence again, this will be a better way for this kind of offenders as there will be less offenders after they get help for their mentality. Moreover, educating the young is also essential. According to the Hong Kong Police Department, the number of criminals between the ages of 10-15 and 16-20 were 1,074 and 2,292 respectively in the previous year. These huge numbers point to the problem of teenage crime. Teenagers with an impulsive and ignorant mind would easily commit crime. If this is the case, teenagers must be cultivated to be law-abiding citizens. Bringing this knowledge to the public - especially teenagers - would teach them appropriate values in life. Knowing some of the laws and the consequences of disobeying the law will give the public a clearer mind. Had the public had enough cognition about the law, the crime rate would be reduced.
       In brief, the government or society at large should take greater measures in different situations. It goes without saying that criminals are of different types. Thereby, the best way to reduce crime is to withdraw the incentives of crime commission from different aspects. Only by tackling the root causes of the problem could peace and harmony be retrieved.

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