
Li Tsz Tung, Teenie 5B(4)

What should we do to reduce crime? A recent research shows an increase in the crime rate in the territory. It is such a serious matter because it shows that social harmony is facing a hard-hit. Though it is a world with peace but people's belongings and lives are still facing a high possibility of danger. To combat this upward trend, there are multiple views, one being giving longer prison while others go with the view of giving correctional services and even promoting more anti-crime education in a bid to prevent the formation of crimes. As a result, diverse views are generated. What are the arguments behind the two opposing views?

To punish the criminals in order to give them deterrence, prisons are made. Actually, it may be an effective way to prevent crimes. If not, how can this way last for thousands of years in human history? Prisoners should be imprisoned after being prosecuted. Some of them ought to be manual labour. The days in prison can be toiling and terrible, thereby no one is willing to live in this a hell-like place. Apart from the deterrence to the criminals, there are also effects to all citizens. Prison sentences are a deprivation of human basic right, which we call 'freedom'. As I mentioned before, it is a nightmare for every single criminal. When others acknowledge this, it is definitely effective to them to perish the vicious thought. And therefore, lot of criminals will be stifled in the cradle.

On the contrary, some people in the society argue against that the longer prison sentences are not helpful to reduce crime. They think there are some other alternatives to help accomplish the goal, such as correctional services and rehabilitation services. These methods, as their names imply, are the services provided to criminals in order to help them back to the right track. They can on one hand let criminal repent what they do which is harmful while on the other hand results in the criminals go back to the right track and have a normal life like others. If the criminal acknowledge their fault and find themselves can by the sweat by themselves brow, our society will be more harmonic. But the question is, which means is the best to help build up a steady society?

In my opinion, first of all, just focusing on prison sentences is not helpful enough. If it was, there would not numerous news showing that some prisoners 'return to their career' after they are released from prison. But it doesn't mean that correctional services and rehabilitation services can be focused solely. It because there are some of the criminals in it do the same things as the prisoners I mentioned above. Why do these things happen? If we try to trace back to the root of the problem, it is easy to find that lack of education is the most important factor contributing it. As education is the key to change both children and adults' personalities and their way of thinking, it is of utmost importance to prevent the increasing number of crime cases.

Actually, government should put more resources to promote anti-crime mind. For instance, dispatch some police officers to hold lectures talking about the crime situation in Hong Kong as well as the negative consequences of committing crimes. Besides, incentives can be given to non-government groups in order to push them hold relevant activities in community, such as conducting anti-crime week. If Government does this enough, crime rate can go down sharply.

Apart from government, parents are also playing an essential role giving right education to their children. Regarding to a lot of study, most criminals had poor family background and their parents had poor parenting skills, too. Parents should shoulder responsibilities, be their children's beacon and guide them the right way of their future. If they have any single evil thought, educate them or even seek professionals' help like psychologists counselling. I believe if every parent does this, there will be fewer and fewer criminals generated on our planet.

I'm not denying the benefits the prison sentences as well as the correctional and rehabilitation services bringing to us. In fact, if each of them can be operated smoothly and effectively and the resources put on them is enough, 'no crime' is not just a dream. These are the reasons why I think working along all lines is the best way to reduce crime preventively and remedially.

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