
Watching Movies

When asked what people will do to kill time during a rainy weekend or a boiling afternoon, watching a movie would often come up as a popular pastime activity. But, with the advance of information technology, a dramatic metal shift on how and where a movie should be appreciated has been observed.  What are the results of this phenomenon?  If the diminution in the number of moviegoers will lead to undesirable effects, it is time that we have some actions.

Despite the convenience of watching movies at home, never could anyone deny some irreplaceable virtues of going to the cinema.  Movie watching is more than an interaction with the pictures on the screen.  In fact, the presence of other people in the audience not only keeps one company but their reactions help create a better atmosphere as well.  Wouldn’t a sense of loneliness seep through an isolated laugh at home?  What’s more, when we enjoy movies in the cinema, the enjoyment is enlarged.  Unquestionably, the professional audio quality and floor-to-ceiling screen are vastly superior when compared with our tiny speakers and table size monitors at home.  Not only is pleasure given to our hearing and sight but also to every other sense of the body as well.  When price is not a concern, choosing a theatre with comfortable sofas and ample personal space could cordially bring movie lovers a temporary escape from any pressure in their lives.  Speaking of enjoyment, one must first have peace of mind.  Still, the only legal way to view the newest movies is to walk into the cinema where both local and overseas goodies can be found.

However, in reality, the movie industry seems to be entertaining more amateur audience than professional ones.  Nowadays, watching movies at home has become more common than ever.  One key factor to this phenomenon would be the price.  To many, it is difficult, if not impossible, to justify the decision of buying a ticket when the same movie can be accessed online with no real cost.  Comparing the expenses of the two different entertainment options, even when the cost of the ticket is worthwhile, the price tags on snacks are a rip-off.  True, cinemas have their own profit target to meet, but why would an ordinary person pay multiple times of the cost for some simple refreshments they could easily get their hands on in any supermarket or convenience store?  Moreover, for those who have an affinity for absolute privacy, there are films that would be even more enjoyable when there is no one around.  In that case, being able to watch the movie anytime and anywhere at home is a bonus.  In a private setting, you will not affect others nor will others affect you.  After all, some overreaction like screaming or shouting could be quite disturbing.  Besides, you have the full control to pause the movie at anytime.

Because of the aforementioned reasons for staying at home to watch a movie, the number of moviegoers has dwindled.  If nothing is done, cinemas will become history.  Firstly, offering discounts is feasible and acceptable for the cinema and moviegoers.  The price of the tickets could be lowered after the movie has been out for a week.  Also, preferential treatment like a further discount on bulk purchases could be offered for some loyal buyers.  Furthermore, providing monthly or annual passes would fill up some of the empty seats.  These passes could be similar to those offered by theme parks which are only valid during non-peak hours so as to serve as a way of crowd control.  Last but not least, had we had enough education on intellectual property, the awareness of copyright infringement would have been raised.  The production cost of a good Hollywood movie is astronomical.  When everyone is illegally enjoying other people’s efforts, no one will bother putting in any more effort.  It is up to the government and the industry to cultivate the public’s awareness by organising regular talks, exhibitions and advertisements.

In conclusion, to increase the number of moviegoers, the root of the problem should be figured out.  Moviegoers are only one category of consumers.  When the costs of watching a movie in the cinema add up well, they will go there.  If not, they will simply choose to keep their money in their own pockets.

4A(8) Li Cai Lan, Mavis


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