
Watching Movies

Will you choose to watch movies in the cinema or at home?  There are different benefits to both choices and sometimes it is hard to decide.

To begin with, there are many advantages to watching a movie in a cinema.  When it comes to some excellent movies, having the right atmosphere is the most important factor.  In the cinema, the audio quality and the resolution of the screen are better than those at home.  So, it gives moviegoers a more shocking experience.  Not only that, but there are lots of people in the audience to share the experience with you so you will not feel lonely.  Besides, people can watch the latest movies from different countries all over the world and watching them in cinemas abides by the copyright law.

However, for some, watching movies at home would seem to be a better choice.  Never would you affect others when you watch movies at home.  When you are in a cinema, you might feel embarrassed when you overreact like bursting into laughter or screaming out like thunder.  These actions will definitely affect others.  In contrast, you can even pause a movie at any time you like if you are at home.  Hence, you can watch the movie over an extended period of time without disturbing others.  Apart from this, you can watch movies late at night or while you are cooking.  Furthermore, if you want to watch a movie but you do not want to pay for the tickets, staying at home and watching it online is the best, if not the only, choice.  Better still, you can have whatever snacks you like.  Would you like to have a can of Coke at a more reasonable price?

The problem now is that people prefer watching movies at home more than in the cinema, so we need to have some measures to attract people to the cinema.  First and foremost, cinemas should have some discounts for moviegoers.  For example, the price of tickets could be lowered after a week or even bigger discounts could be given on bulk purchases.  In addition to this, they can roll out some offers similar to those of theme parks, which could include monthly or annual passes and they can be made valid only during non-peak hours.  Moreover, by organizing regular exhibitions, the government can impose education on intellectual property to raise the awareness of copyright infringement.

All in all, both watching movies at home and in the cinema have their advantages but when it comes to the experience and copyright issues, it is better to watch movies in the cinema to encourage the directors to produce more quality work.

4A(23) Lam Pak Mung, Patrick

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