
Dear Editor,

I am a secondary school student, and I am writing to express my views on the topic about some people believed that the selling of fast food should not be allowed.  Personally, I disagree with that restaurants should only sell some so-called healthy food which not everyone could afford or live alone with.  After all, fast food has its place in the market for different reasons.

Firstly, the prices of fast food are unbeatable.  If everyone could afford fresh ingredient and decent healthy meals every day, fast food would have no value in our society.  Besides, being reasonable in price, fast food could ease our hunger without asking us to break the bank.  Since you can get the same amount of food while paying less than those people paying a lot to get a small plate.  Still, many people eat to overcome their starvation and just could not afford to think too much about their health.

Secondly, there isn’t only the evil side of fast food.  Not only does fast food include deep fried products like French fries or chicken wings, it can also mean a burger which contains a lot of vegetables or a box of fruit salad which has all sorts of vitamins.  Some might say that most of the food appearing in fast food shop menus are still unhealthy, but as long as we do not have fast food every meal every day, it would not be a big problem.  Never should we neglect that almost anything could bring unwanted effects when it is exercised at an extreme end.

Thirdly, despite the fact that fast food can sometimes be unhealthy, it is a lot less time consuming, which is the main reason why I think it is unreasonable to ban something just because it appears to be harmful.  Hong Kong is a city with a very fast pace, making everything, including the time for meals shorter.  Some might even need to finish their meals on the way to work or to school.  As the name implies, fast food could well be argued as the kind of signature food in this fast moving city.  Very often, we want to be health, but we are just too busy.
All in all, I think that people should be allowed to sell fast food not only because it is a job that can make money, but it can provide us with another alternative for dinning.  Be it healthy or not, we should have the right to strike a balance between our health and our wealth.

Yours faithfully,
4A(28) Judd Shum

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