
Dear Editor,

    There have been dissenting voices in our community concerning the lack of sports facilities with some suggesting that schools should allow the public to use their sports facilities after school hours.  It is obvious that different stakeholders would have different opinions regarding such a suggestion.  As a student, I am now writing to express mine because of the following reasons.

    To begin with, schools’ sports facilities should not be regarded as personal properties.  That equipment or entertainment is provided by the government with the use of the money from a substantial number of tax payers.  So, it is fair to share and to better utilize them.  Shouldn’t the act of sharing be one of the core values schools instil in adolescents?  In addition, schools are an undetachable part of the community.  Some people might say that the facilities could be damaged easily when there are outsiders using them.  But, unlike the ones in those private housing estates, the accessibility of schools’ sports facilities should not be limited solely to students despite the fact that they should be given priority.

    Besides, schools are under every obligation to contribute to society.  When the school day ends, the sports facilities will become idle.  It makes good sense to let the public use them without obstructing the schools in their daily routine.  A period such as 7 – 10 at night during the weekdays could be feasible on a trial basis before a comprehensive implementation of the program.  Also, this will help save the money which the government would otherwise have to spend on providing the community with those duplicated facilities.  Not only the money, but also the problem of venue would be solved.  Since most schools are located within respective communities, it brings added convenience to the residents who use them.  Isn’t this taking two birds down with one stone?

    Lastly, opening up the school could earn a remarkable reputation.  Some students could be trained as ambassadors and help the public with the use of different sports facilities.  For example, our school basketball team has regular training in the gym until late at night and they could act as instructors and interact with the outsiders while exercising together.  Also, this would be a more effective way to advertise the school compared to updating different kinds of photos and information to the school website.  Apart from the reputation, the polished gregariousness would generate a community in perfect harmony.  If schools are to be seen as next-door neighbours to nearby estates, such a connection will definitely foster an invaluable relationship between them.

    To bring all concerns to an end, allowing the community to share some of the readily available facilities in school does not only alleviate the problem of the lack of them elsewhere but it also creates a win-win situation in which the benefits far outweigh the possible worries that the decision might bring.

Yours faithfully,

Name: Mavis LI
Class: 4A (8)

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