
You are an editor of Ching Kok Post. You have noticed that senior form students have been following the craze of using of electronic products such as smart phones, iPads, tablets, e-readers etc. Write an article to talk about this issue, and then discuss the impacts of using the electronic gadgets in learning and social life.

The Delights of Electronic Products

Due to the technological advancement, different types of new electronic products are flocking into the market. It is not uncommon to see students using their mobile devices in their hands all the time, such as tablets and iPads. This use of electronic products has become prevalent and they can benefit from using the electronic products in learning and social life.

In the aspect of learning, the use of electronic products can facilitate students’ learning. All electronic devices have multimedia functions, such as visual effects, animation and recording. Through these functions, some boring content can be transformed in an interesting way. For example, the expansion of land in the Qing Dynasty can be shown in animation rather than in words. The use of e-learning can tactfully draw their attention to the lesson, which can help them learn better and faster.

Another advantage of using electronic products in learning is that it is flexible and mobile to learn at your own pace. Within a period of time, students are able to use their smartphones or tablets to complete the online tasks. They can complete them in  short chunks of time which fit their daily schedule. Moreover, they can do them on the bus or in the recess. It is convenient for students to learn according to their learning behaviour, which can maximize their learning.

In the aspect of social life, the use of electronic products helps students express their emotions. With the development of social networking devices, such as Facebook and Twitter, students are more willing to share their feeling there where their daily happenings and emotions will be posted. Through this kind of sharing, their friends can know more about their peers through the daily updates on Facebook. Instant actions can be taken if they find out that their friends have any emotional problems. So what we can see is that these electronic devices link us closer with one another.

In conclusion, the use of electronic products can successfully help improve our learning behaviour and tighten our social bonds. We should better utilize these tools to make our life better.


6A Pang Oi Ying
HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

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