
Dear Editor,

Historical buildings are signs to reflect our history and culture of the past. Preserving them in the city is important to keep our collective memory and show the uniqueness of our living place. Without the historical buildings, all places in the world will lose their individuality and attractions. Therefore, preserving historical buildings plays in important role in the development of a city.

First of all, preservation of historical buildings plays an important cultural role in Hong Kong. Historical buildings teach us about the events that happened before we were born and promotes respect for those who lived in different times and different societies. With them erected in our society, they have become the pride of our past and the shared heritage in people's minds. With this important cultural function, every historical building helps shape and construct our identity in society. Without them, Hong Kong is merely a cultural desert.

Second, historical structures can bring character and certain charm to the city. Every  relic contains its historical values and unique design. It is essential to conserve it in order to maintain its originality. However, redeveloping historical buildings will lose the sense of originality which is an act of damaging an artifact. For instance, the redevelopment of the Star Ferry Pier has totally changed the original design and historical value, which has lost its attractiveness and nostalgia in Hong Kong.

In addition to the historical value of conserving heritage in our society, the economic factor is another consideration. Historical buildings reflect the diversity and vibrancy of a city, which are good attractions for tourists all over the world. It is because they demonstrate the uniqueness of a place, which is different from other cities. Based on its economic value, it is vital to preserve historical buildings in Hong Kong.

In conclusion, historical buildings contain different important values for our society. It is essential for us to preserve all these precious assets with their originality, or we will lose them forever.

Yours faithfully,

Lam Po Yi  6A

HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

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