
Dear Editor,

Recently, trying to get closer and creating more resonance with the audience, movie makers have attempted to film movies in the city center. Some people think that it can disturb people nearby, while others think that it can produce movies with higher quality and make them more authentic to our life. From my point of view, filming movies in the downtown should be prohibited.

Firstly, filming movies in the city center will affect the traffic arrangement as roads need to be blocked for the sake of shooting. For example, a driving scene of the movie “Transformers” was filmed in Hong Kong; a main road was blocked for the shooting purpose. Therefore, public transports and private cars needed to detour to other roads, which increased the burden on these roads and resulted in a traffic jam. The problem was particularly serious during the peak hours. It is really a disturbance to commuters.

Secondly, filming movies in the city center may worsen the crowdedness of the affected area and cause inconvenience to residents. When starting the filming process, fans of actors from different places and passers-by may flock to the areas to observe the filming. Not only will it be troublesome for residents to go back to their home from the crowded area, noise pollution can also be created which is definitely a nuisance to the residents.

Thirdly, there is the safety problem during the filming process.  When movies are filmed in the chosen area, many strangers will be attracted to observe the filming. Some of them want to see the filming techniques and the equipment. However, some people may have evil minds who will be observing their targets from the crowd. Citizens’ personal stuff will be stolen by these thieves if they are careless. Worse still, the nearby residents may be their targets as well. Therefore, the filming may trigger more crimes in the city.

To conclude, filming movies can disturb residents and affect people’s lives. Therefore, I think it should not be allowed to film movies in the city center.

Yours faithfully,

Cai Linzhe

HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

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