時勢做嫩模 糾正社會歪風


The pseudo model phenomenon has been prevalent where young girls participate in different fairs and exhibitions by showing their skimpy outfits publicly. This phenomenon leaves a bad impression on teenagers. In this article, I would like to discuss the negative impact of the pseudo-model effect on teenagers and provide possible solutions to address the issue.

First, the pseudo model images may send teenagers the wrong message that there is a short cut to be popular and successful. These pseudo models are probably young girls with a low education level. They can be famous for a short period time with the help of the mass media and receive decent pay. However, there are only a few of them who can continue in this field, such as Angelababy and Chrissie Chow. The majority of the teen models will not be noticed by society. This situation is the cruel reality of this field but the teenagers are ignorant about this.

Moreover, pseudo models usually wear scanty clothes in sexy poses at different events. Such behaviour will mislead teenagers into thinking that being seductive and sexy is  accepted by the general public. This will brainwash their innocent minds to normalize this inappropriate act.

In order to tackle these problems, schools and parents are responsible to show them how to plan for their future. First, schools can organize some career planning workshops for teenagers to understand future paths. Through the workshops, they are able to participate in the job-tasting programmes to gain valuable experience and listen to the sharing of people from different walks of life. These exposures can enable them to better understand their interests and plan their future path carefully.

Second, parents should communicate more with their children. They can share their real life experience with their children by telling them that there is no short cut to success. Efforts should be paid in order to achieve their dreams.

To conclude, being a pseudo model cannot guarantee a successful career path in the future although there are some successful cases. All of us need to work hard to realize our dream. By devoting our efforts and perseverance, it is the only way to make our future life brilliant and remarkable.

Ken Lee 6B

HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School


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