時勢做嫩模 糾正社會歪風

近年本港出現少女模特兒現象,穿著性感熱褲短裙,在鏡頭前作性感演出,影響著青少年人的價值觀,以為只要出位及賣弄性感,就能成為真正明星, 甚至賺取金錢。今期《正事英語》請來小記者分享他對少女模特兒文化的看法。

The "pseudo model phenomenon" has become one of the most controversial topics in Hong Kong. The term "pseudo model" refers to teenage models who have no formal training. They used to be known as "promo girls" in trade exhibitions and promotional activities. Teenage models are sprouting like mushrooms after a spring rain because many girls dream of becoming stars and want to make easy money. So they become teenage models. Worse still, many young girls drop out of school in order to join this profession.

In fact, the increasing number of teenage models has lots of impacts on us. First, the models are likely to set bad examples for students, telling them that they can earn a lot with their looks and bodies even if they don't study. It gives the impression that the girls could skip school and make easy money simply by posing for a few photographs.

Second, teenage models in their bikinis convey obscene and indecent messages to  society. Young people look to the sexy models as the ideal, which explains the obsession with sex.

I suggest the following ways to deal with the problems. First of all, it is crucial for the government to have a random check on the publications displaying seductive poses. Moreover, the Obscene Article Tribunal should prosecute those publications in violation of the Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance.

Second, it is important for schools to teach young girls that being a model is not about quitting school and making easy money. They should develop other talents before they achieve success. In addition, teachers should promote a healthier lifestyle and tell young girls not to focus on making a living only by using their bodies.

Finally, parents should teach their children to distinguish between right and wrong. Parents should also work hand in hand with the school to face this problem.

In conclusion, it is worrying that the rise of teenage models has so many impacts on teenagers. With the suggested ways above, it is important for the government, schools and parents to deal with the problem together.

Leo Lam 6B

HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

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