Compensated Dating

Dear Editor,

Due to technological advancements, it is easy for people to communicate with each other by using apps or other social networking tools. This has exacerbated the problem of compensated dating as teenagers can easily meet strangers by clicking the apps. I am writing to discuss the reasons for compensated dating and provide possible solutions to alleviate the problem.

One of the reasons for teenagers participating in compensated dating is the lack of parental care. In Hong Kong, parents need to work around the clock to make ends meet. They have no time to communicate with their children and understand their problems. As a result, teenagers may feel neglected and lonely.

Secondly, taking part in compensated dating can give teenagers enjoyment and pleasure. Not being able to feel loved by their parents, meeting a stranger may give them a sense of care and love. They may like to indulge in the protection by strangers.

Thirdly, teenagers are materialistic. In the shoppers' paradise of Hong Kong, teenagers can buy brand name products from all over the world. It is easy for them to chase the latest designer products and electronic gadgets. In order to fulfill their needs participating in compensated dating is a quick way to get easy money to satisfy their wants.

In order to solve the problem of teenagers participating in compensated dating, it is necessary to get to the root of the problem. First, parents need to show more care and love for their children. Although they are busy with their work, they need to spend some time with their children in order to understand their children's emotional problems. Through communication, the invisible wall between parents and children can be broken down and all the problems can be solved.

Moreover, schools need to educate students of potentials dangers of compensated dating and the correct attitude in handling their relationship with others. Nowadays, people have become more open-minded under the influence of the western culture. Exchanging their body for money may not be a serious issue in their mind, which is totally a wrong concept. Therefore, teachers need to raise their awareness of handling and cherishing a relationship with others.

Finally, teenagers should try to expand their social circle by participating in more school activities and voluntary work. Interacting with others is a good way to widen  their exposure by listening to others’ experience and sharing. They can also share their unhappiness with them. Not only can they build up their friendship with others,

they can also become more mature in handling personal matters. Therefore, they wont seek compensated dating easily.

I hope teenagers can stay away from compensated dating and have a healthy life physically and mentally.

Yours faithfully,

Kenneth Chui 6A

HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

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