援交歪風不可長 執法教育並重

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the increase of compensated dating teens in Hong Kong.

We all know that it is immoral to use sex in exchange for money. But why do so many teenagers become compensated dating teens? There are actually many reasons. First, some teenagers have dropped out of school and been unemployed for a long time. So they have become involved in compensated dating in order to make money. Second, many teenagers do not know that this is a crime and they could be arrested for soliciting. Third, many teenagers are lonely. Their parents are too busy at work and therefore have no time to look after them. These young people believe that by exchanging sex for love and care, they will become happier.

Our teenagers are very important to us. We must work together to help them. First, police should step up measures against compensated dating. Teenagers who are involved in compensated dating could be arrested for soliciting and face a jail sentence. Officers should monitor the Internet regularly and post warnings about the practice on internet forums. Webpage and discussion-forum operators should also cooperate by deleting messages that may breach the law.

Second, teachers should tell the students the legal consequences of committing this offence. For example, using a website or chat room to seek or offer sex services is against the law and is controlled by existing laws. Teachers should remind their students how dangerous it is to meet strangers on-line.

Finally, as parents, they should communicate more with their children to build up a good relationship with them. Parents should work hand in hand with the school to help combat this problem.

Let’s work together to fight against compensated dating today.

Yours faithfully,

Chan Renmao 6B

HHCKLA Buddhist Ching Kok Secondary School

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