Smart phone
Smart phone has become a necessity for all of us. Living in this technological world, one can’t imagine the life without it. Just like everything, smart phones have both positive and negative impacts on our life. Let’s take a closer look on how smart phones affect us.

One positive effect of smart phones is the convenience it brings. With smart phones, we can easily keep in touch with family, friends or business partners almost in every place anytime . You do not have to wait until evening, when you are at home in front of a computer to send an email, or find a telephone booth to call some friends or family members if you have to tell them something important.

Moreover, smart phones are the perfect way to stay connected with others in the event of emergency. They provide us with a sense of security. In the event of emergency or if you have lost the smart phone can allow others to connect with you quickly and could possibly save your life. If you feel insecure or something has happened to you or to a person next to you, you can call to get help.

But different people have different opinions. Some people believe that smart phones influence us negative.

Most of accidents that happen daily arise because of smart phones. The smart phones have resulted in dangerous driving and thus increasing number of accidents. People having an accident because they were distracted while driving and talking on a mobile phone.

Most of us can say that we have either heard people say that we would die without our smart phones. This addiction could lead to one becoming a slave to technology. This person must always stay updated with the newest gadgets and surrounded by interesting electronics. What is the consequence of becoming addicted to this gadget?

Excessive use of smart phone may result in family neglect. When a person is constantly glued to their electronic device, he or she pays little attention to the things around them, let alone the people. Family interaction becomes limited as people find more and more reasons to stay with their cell phones for hours.(You should also talk about face-to-face communication: There is less real interaction between people because of smart phones.)

These are the positive and negative impacts of mobile phones on society and the individual. These is no doubt smart phone is a necessity these days, but we should pay attention to the negative points too and use this technology wisely.

Tang Mei Na, Mina
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