The Rising Popularity of E-books
Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concern about the rising popularity of e-books. Do you think e-books have been more and more essential in our life? In recent years, e-books have become more and more common in our life. According to a recent survey on the habit of using electronic products, seven in ten people used e-books daily. It was a surprising result. As a matter of fact, I think this trend brings a lot of impacts on modern lives.

To start with, I want to talk about the benefits of using e-books. Some e-books provide useful and convenient functions. Firstly, they offer a dictionary function that means we can no longer bring the heavy dictionary to check the meaning of some vocabularies. Secondly, they offer note-taking function. We can just use our fingers but no pencils and notebooks. Thirdly, they also have a highlighting function that is convenient for our study.

In addition, e-books are eco-friendly because they do not require paper to produce. So, there is no need to cut down quite a lot of trees than traditional books. Not only can e-books relieve the pressure of landfills filling, but also use less paper.

Furthermore, we can download e-books for free. Any books in the public domain can be downloaded for free through Internet. We can download books such as cartoons, novels and magazines that can save a lot goals-spend to buy traditional books. We just use fingertips and able to read our favorite types of books everywhere.

What’s more, it is much easier to travel with an e-Reader than to lug around a hardback. E-books are so tiny that we can put it in our bags easily. It is extremely convenient. So, I think this is a good trend.

Setting aside my biases, in fact e-books have a few drawbacks. Using e-readers may cause some health problems. First, reading from a small screen can cause a lot of pressure on the eyes. Second, using e-books for a long time can easily lead to muscle strain and backache.

In addition, e-books can break or run out of battery life. The used battery may create a lot of electronics waste and enhance landfills filling stress. So, it is not eco-friendly.

Also, e-books are very expensive, the price starts from HK$ 1400 for a device. While it is true that you can download books for free, the ones that aren’t in the public domain can cost HK$ 78 and up. It surely posts a great financial pressure on some teenagers and low-income people.

To sum up, there is no doubt that e-books will continue to evolve in the years to come. However, I think e-books will not eventually replace printed books, as people will still go to buy their copies of favourite books in a bookshop or just borrow them from the local library.

Yours sincerely,
Lau Tsz Hong,
Lau Tsz Hong, Thomas 6B
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