Stay away from fast food

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今期主題:Fast Food
下期預告:Global Warming

Stay away from fast food
Over a century, western culture used too much oil, sugar and salt in their food in order to cook food faster. This kind of cooking method have influenced Asian cities, especially Hong Kong. As a result, people in Hong Kong changed their eating habits. However, this habit will affect our health seriously. We may have heart diseases, diabetes and even die early. To rectify the situation, something needs to be done about our eating habit. We will first talk about how fast food is bad for us.

Firstly, one disadvantage of having fast food is that it contains a lot of oil, sugar, fast and salt. If you eat fast food over a long period of time, you may have diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, rotten teeth and obesity. It is clear that these diseases lead to early death. Eating fast food may also indirectly affect your mental health. You may have low self-esteem as you become fat and ugly because of fast food.

The second disadvantage of having fast food is that its ingredients may affect teens' concentration and they may get sleepy easily. It may leads to poor school results. Students with poor school results turn to more and more fast food to reduce stress. They may easily feel grumpy as fast food will put people in a bad mood. Their relationships with schoolmates and friends may be affected as a result. Therefore, we should not eat fast food.

The third disadvantage of having a poor diet is that it will affect youngsters physical growth and their appearance. Fast food, such as fried chicken wings and hamburgers,  contains a lot of calories. They also have too much oil, sugar, fat and salt. If you eat too much, you will get pimples, rotten teeth and become overweight. When you become ugly, you will feel depressed easily. Moreover, fast food does not provide enough calcium, fiber and vitamins for our body. Therefore, it is unwise of teenagers to eat fast food. They are encouraged to care about the quality of the food they eat.

Some people may think that eating fast food is cheap. But if we eat too much, we may end up spending more. That is because fast food will affect our health. We may have to visit doctors more often and spend more money. Some people also say that the salt and sugar in the fast food is necessary for our body. Yet, a single meal of fast food may probably exceed our body's daily need of salt and calories. It may lead to heart diseases and diabetes. Therefore, we should be careful about the good things said by some people on fast food.

In conclusion, as the saying goes 'You are what you eat'. It is extremely true. If we want to avoid getting fat, getting pimples and other serious diseases, it is clear that we should eat healthily. If we eat healthily, we could improve our memory and concentration and grow up strong and healthier.

Tse Wai Bing (Vanessa) 4D



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