
You recently read an article suggesting that Hong Kong should ban firework displays because of financial, logistical and environmental issues. Write a letter to the editor of the Hong Kong Daily stating your opinions. Support your opinion with three reasons.

Dear Editor,

There is more to fireworks than meet the eyes

I am writing to express my viewpoints on the eradication of firework displays. Some naysayers hold the view that banning firework displays should be advocated as far as financial, logistical and environmental problems are concerned. I am strongly opposed to this suggestion and I will shed light on the reasons why it is substantial and significant to keep the firework event.

Hong Kong has long been hailed as a cosmopolitan city and a financial hub. Seemingly the financial market has remained vibrant in the past decade, but it should be noted that the economy in the territory still heavily relies on tourism. In fact, masses of tourists who come to Hong Kong has the inclination to enjoy the splendid and wondrous night scene at the Victoria Harbor. And the firework displays are always the most anticipated event and if it is abolished by the government, it is my certainty to say that it will take a toll on Hong Kong’s tourism and economy. Although firework displays cost a lot of budget of the government, the stimulation of the economy brought from the event is far more noticeable and remarkable. As the proverb goes, ‘everything comes with a price’. The money we spend on this event does not go in vain; it is the seeds we sow for future economic harvest. Moreover, while tourists come for the awe-inspiring and stupendous firework show, it can as well foster the development of other sectors, be they the retail market, hotel industry and entertainment industries. Therefore, it is worthwhile to make such investment.

Not only does the firework show contribute to economic growth, but it also eases the environmental problems in Hong Kong in the long run. It is true that fireworks increase greenhouse gas emission. Be that as it may, the key to tackle or combat with the environmental problems is still money. What’s more, holding firework displays is not the main source of pollution and is not the trigger of environmental issues. The consumption of natural resources and the generation of plastic waste are much direr and should be taken into consideration. Installing solar panels or setting recycling bins requires a considerable amount of public budget as well. Without gaining extra revenue from organizing firework events and from the tourism industries, hardly can we say that the budget on environmental protection would not be an extra financial burden to Hong Kong?

Apart from environmental conservation, this incident is constructive in creating collective memories of citizens. The firework show normally takes place on special occasions or day such as New Year’s Eve and the National day. These public holidays allow numerous citizens of this fast-paced city to escape from hectic schedules and colossal workloads. Every year, thousands of citizens would come to participate in the event and it is a golden opportunity for them to appreciate the prosperity and vitality of this city. Thus, it will enable them to find or establish a sense of belonging and identity to the city while enjoying the joyous atmosphere of this show. More importantly, witnessing the city's glamour and development inspires and reminds workers to work harder continuously for a more thriving Hong Kong in the future. With this line of thinking, cancelling all firework shows is unadvisable.

In conclusion, it is unnecessary to put a halt to the firework shows in Hong Kong as it is instrumental in alleviating a variety of problems in this city and creating a more unifying, peaceful and harmonious society. By no means should we eradicate the firework displays!

Yours faithfully,

6A Amy An Zhi Hua

訂閱方法: 請按此處
補購查詢:歡迎致電《今日校園》訂閱部 2342-8298 (鄧小姐)
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