
You are upset by the recent decision of your company to cancel the annual team-building weekend. Write an article highlighting your reasons for disagreeing with the decision, which will be displayed on an internal communications noticeboard.

Are team-building activities a boon or bane?

Since the last decade, our company holds an annual team-building weekend every year. This signature event is part of our unique corporate culture and a realization of our company motto – Work Hard Play Hard. In fact, this team-building weekend is beneficial to our corporation in many ways. Thus I disagree with the decision to halt the annual team-building activity. The reasons are manifested below.

First and foremost, the team-building weekend can increase the sense of belonging and productivity of all employees in our company. It is because the event includes various teamwork activities such as ball games and group performances. It helps junior staff and senior officers to get to know each other and tighten the relationship between staff of different departments and teams. With lots of opportunities to communicate in this event, one would be more capable of communicating with co-workers and developing good relationships with others. Such effective workplace communication can create a harmonious environment for work and facilitate daily operation and productivity. Hence, this activity should not cease to exist.

Moreover, by make endeavor in developing human resources, the competitiveness of our corporation would be raised. The staff development event provides a precious opportunity for co-workers to have professional dialogues which allows them to learn from one another. In addition to that, staff training sessions and brain-storming workshops can also be held during the team-building weekend in order to equip all of us with the latest market trends. As we are willing to spare time and efforts to facilitate the professional growth of the staff, more talents would be attracted to join our workforce. It also establishes a positive image of our company to outsiders and makes us stand out from our competitors. Therefore, the convention of holding a team-building getaway should be sustained.

Furthermore, arranging team-building weekend can increase the amount of money that our company earns. As mentioned above, the team-building weekend improves the relationship between us from different teams and departments. Hence, it is more likely for us to work peacefully without divide. According to a survey result from the Recruit last year, many employees said that staff development activities helped them know more about the company and improved their relationship with their supervisors and employer. It is also said that they felt more attached to their company and were more willing to stay in the office to finish their work after team development activities. From this survey, it is foreseeable that the company’s revenue is likely to rise with a stronger sense of loyalty and devotion instilled in staff. Therefore, it is evident that the team-building activity is beneficial for both our company and us.

All in all, there is no doubt that team-building weekend not only changes the workers’ work attitude but also benefits the company significantly. Workers and employers need to work together with one heart in order to make the most out of their efforts. Apparently, the team-building weekend can help us to achieve that target. To hold the team-building weekend is definitely a wise decision and I hereby urge the management team to stick to its original plan – to organize a two-day-one-night camp for colleagues.

6A Monique Siu Ka Hei

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